#005: AI with No-code

Advanced chatbots, model connectors, website builders, and... more AI biz ideas!

IndieAI #005: AI with No-code

There are two types of people now: people scared of AI, and people getting rich from AI.

Someone who erased a tweet.

Hellooooo, my fellow humans! 😍 

And welcome to all the great folks who joined us last week! 💓 

Yesterday I started a new project, around AI Chatbots (again), I love those! I’m using code this time, despite the “humbling” effects it has on me (yeah, you got it, I feel dumb 😅).

But, if you’re less of a masochist, don’t worry. There is a better way.

Just go No-code! I’ll show you how 👇️ 

🛠️ AI Tools

  • Bookmark: A website builder that can get your business online in minutes.

  • Browse AI: Extract and monitor data from any website without code.

  • ChatbotKit: Build advanced AI chatbots with custom datasets and built-in integrations. No code is required.

  • Softr: One of my favorite No-code tools. Plus, its built-in OpenAI integration is very easy to use. No coincidence that I built IndieAI.co using Softr.

  • Brancher AI: Connect AI models to build powerful apps, without code. Start from scratch or use one of the 100+ app templates available.

Like these tools? Don’t forget to… 

💭 Proven Ideas

  • Start an agency focused on building software products using AI and No-code as Anita does with The Shelf.

  • Create content focused on AI & No-code to build authority and get leads. Check out this Youtube playlist by Dominic Norton for inspiration.

  • Join a No-code Hackathon to strengthen your maker's muscle or build a tiny product to sell at the No-code Garage Sale. Add AI features to differentiate your product. My Wisebots were built during a hackathon using Bubble. It makes no money 😢 but I still love them 💗 .

  • Or, build and grow your AI tool until it gains more traction, so you can decide if you want to sell it for more $$ or keep it. Domenico used Bubble to grow Onetap (AI that writes Excel formulas) to USD 6k revenue. Then, he sold it for mid-5 figures. Now, he is focusing on growing AI Alfred.

  • Expand on Yokei’s experiment, and use AI to create a full-fledged no-code app builder. Take a look at this thread. It will blow your mind how much cool stuff you can do with AI & No-code!

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🏃🏻 Homework

I’ve been worried about you not applying any of the hot stuff I’ve been showing you here. So, I used an AI Fortune Teller at Brancher to tell me about your future 👇️

Not astrology. Technology.

I’m very optimistic, but I still need your help! GET TO WORK!

Remember to share the results and tag me on Twitter 😄 Or just answer this email!

See you next week! 😘